Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Remains of Octa dug up for 2nd autopsy

Hans David Tampubolon, The Jakarta Post, Depok | Wed, 04/20/2011 8:40 AM | Humanities

Second Autopsy: A forensic scientist is examining the remains of Irzen Octa, who died under suspicious circumstances after meeting Citibank debt collectors, on Wednesday.Second Autopsy: A forensic scientist is examining the remains of Irzen Octa, who died under suspicious circumstances after meeting Citibank debt collectors, on Wednesday.

Srengseng Sawah cemetery undertakers have dug up the remains of Irzen Octa, who died under suspicious circumstances after meeting Citibank debt collectors.

Forensic scientist Munim Idries is currently examining the body.

"We are going to remove several organs, so we can conduct microscopic tests on them," Munim told reporters at the cemetery in Depok on Wednesday.

Lawyer OC Kaligis, who represents the family of the late Irzen Octa, said Octa's death was suspicious because there were two contradicting preliminary autopsy results, which were signed by the same doctor, at the same time and on the same day.

One result says there were signs of violence on Octa's body, but the other said he died from a stroke.

Citibank representative Ditta Amahorseya has repeatedly denied that Octa was assaulted by debt collectors.


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